
My background is in linguistics with a focus on the evolutionary biology and cognitive neuroscience of language, particularly as they pertain to phonology, in addition to theoretical issues in phonology and the syntax/phonology interface. I received my A.B./A.M. magna cum laude and Ph.D. from Harvard. I continue to research and publish actively in several areas of linguistics although my career path has taken me in other directions.


I've been riding horses all my life and have competed across North America in hunters, jumpers, equitation, eventing, and dressage. I currently show in equitation and hunters with Ariovist (Ari) while my jumper, Gifted (Gigi), enjoys her retirement. My husband, Kay, is a scientist and an avid skier, ultra runner, and dog walker.


Bridget D. Samuels, Ph.D.

me at bridgetsamuels dot com